The Futuro House was conceived by Matti Suuronen in 1968 as a "portable" ski chalet. It is an iconic piece of architecture and this site is devoted to documenting the history of the Futuro and the current status and whereabouts of the remaining examples.
This pair of Futuros are among the best maintained examples and yet they are also among the least photographed. Today however was a real treat as we came across an Instagram post by @megacoolmix that included the photos and video below.
The video gives us the best look at the interior of the Futuros we have ever had and illustrates that while in no way original these altered interiors are, in our opinion, appropriate for both Futuros as well as for the purpose they serve and also very high quality.
@megacoolmix also posted several stills including these; we particularly like the first of these which captures the entrance to the passage between the two Futuros.
Update 112218
The WeeGee Exhibition Center added these two photos to their Facebook page recently. The photos were taken when WeeGee Futuro host Janna (who we visited with back in 2014 when we were fortunate enough to have been able to visit WeeGee) visited these Futuros on 091918.
Update 081218
While some Futuros are photographed all of the time we do not see many photographs of this pair so it is always nice to see a recent photo. This photograph was taken 072818 by colinseymour and posted to Instagram.
Update 050518
Danish band Future War Bride recently published this video for the track "Thin Air" from the upcoming album Majahua (to be released 060818). These Futuros features as a backdrop at both the beginning and the end of the video (0:10 and 2:57).
Update 031515
While working on gathering photos for the upcoming "Futuro World" exhibition we contacted the owners of the Kvistgård Futuros, Løgstrup. The company kindly shared some high quality photos of the Futuros; these can be seen below. Our thanks to Løgstrup for sharing these photos.
Coincidentally around the same time a contact sent us a PDF file they had come across on the web at one time that related to these Futuro's (the file can be accessed here). The PDF (in Danish) appears to be some kind of a newsletter published by the Fredensborg local branch of the Nordic Association; there is a website address included in the PDF but it is not, at least right now, accessible so if anyone knows how to reach this organization please let us know so we can make sure they are OK with us referencing their content and displaying their photos.
In the PDF file we learn that that prior to being purchased by Løgstrup and moved to Kvistgård in 1990 the Futuros had been located in Rågeleje where they had served as a home. The article indicates that the Futuros were rusted and decayed at the time.
That is certainly not the case these days and Løgstrup has clearly done a huge amount of restoration work as can be seen in the photos below from Løgstrup (exterior shots) and from the Nordic Association PDF file (interior shots). These days the Futuros appear to be in first class condition and while the interior restoration is clearly not to original Futuro specifications it does seem fitting and includes some somewhat original elements like the centrally located fireplace in one of the units.
Update 050513
The two photos below by Kristian Mollenborg were taken back on 092408 but only came to our attention recently. One is an interior shot which clearly shows the Futuro set up as what appears to be some kind of a canteen.
That the Futuro's serve as Løgstrup's canteen is confirmed in a Feb 4th post on the Løgstrup Facebook page which includes a screenshot from Google Street View showing the Futuros accompanied by the following text:
"Has Google Street view found UFO's at Løgstrup Denmark? No it's just Futuro homes, a kind of transportable ski lodge. Now it is our canteen. The picture was voted #2 in top Google Street View pictures in Denmark."
Update 062212
We were incorrect in associating this pair of Futuros with Nordcoll. The Futuros actually sit on the campus of the company Løgstrup. Unfortunately as is the case with Nordcoll the company website has no information relating to the Futuros. Our thanks to Len Peltier for this information.
Additionally Google Earth now has updated satellite imagery which places the Futuros on site as of 053111.
Original Information 093011
There appears to be virtually no information about this pair of Futuros on the web or at least if there is we are not searching in the right places. They sit on the property of the company Nordcoll but the company website does not appear to reference them at all. They do appear to be in excellent condition and are attached to each other and to the main building so the best guess is that they are still in use; perhaps as office space, meeting rooms - who knows. If anyone has any information please let us know.
Since we cannot find any dated images of the Futuros it is difficult to ascertain a definitive date on which their presence at the location can be confirmed. The Google Maps imagery showing them is dated 123006; the "Street View" is likely to be later but Google does not currently release the dates of "Street View" imagery. The video below perhaps gives the best information. There is a "teaser" referencing 2011 so based on that we are saying that 2011 is the "confirmed" date for these Futuros.
This video is actually documenting the history and renovation of the Saint Ouen Futuro that was located at La Défense, Paris in the 1970's but it does feature a couple of shots of this pair of Futuros right at the end (4:35) following the teasing heading "The adventure continues in 2011 ..."; we will have to wait and see what that actually means and whether or not it relates to the Saint Ouen Futuro or to these two here in Kvistgård.